科威特工业管理局PAI(Public Authority for Industry) 宣布,自2022年3月1日起,将对儿童玩具产品进行管制,并将其列入KUCAS管制的产品组I-01中。
The Public Authority for Industry in Kuwait (PAI) has announced that from March 1, 2022, products of Children Toys will be regulated and included in the KUCAS regulated product list under the Product Group I-01.
在2022年3月1日当天或之后抵达科威特港口和边境的儿童玩具产品货物都需要提交技术验货报告TIR(Technical Inspection Report),该报告是货物在科威特清关所需的必要文件。
Shipments of Children Toys to Kuwait arriving at Kuwait Ports and Borders on March 1, 2022 or after this date must be accompanied with a TIR (Technical Inspection Report), necessary for its Kuwait Customs clearance.
科威特工业管理局PAI(Public Authority for Industry) 采用 GCC 儿童玩具技术法规以及 KUCAS 要求用于验证儿童玩具符合性。
技术验货报告TIR(Technical Inspection Report)签发基于提交有效的GCC证书,及GCTS标识需按照GCC技术法规要求显示在产品及其包装上的基础上。
The Public Authority for Industry in Kuwait (PAI) has adopted the GCC Technical Regulation on Children Toys along with KUCAS requirements for verifying conformity of Children Toys.
The TIR would be issued on the basis of submission availed Gulf Type Examination Certificate (GTEC) along with verifying the Gulf Conformity Tracking Symbol (GCTS) which must be displayed on the product itself and on its packaging as per GCC Technical Regulation requirements.